Welcome to Unanderra Public School. As an inclusive school that values kindness and respect, we put our students first, supporting them in positive ways to achieve their personal best. Starting a new school can be daunting but we look forward to helping you become part of our school family.
Below are some details that will help you become familiar with how our school works but please do not hesitate to call the school for more information or to organise a school tour.
What are our school hours?
School commences at 8.55 am, and concludes at 3.00 pm.
What time does supervision of the playground start
Children are to meet under the COLA outside the hall at 8.30 am in Stage groups. The teachers on duty will dismiss students to their respective playgrounds after they drop off their bag at their classroom.
Teachers are on duty from 8.30 am in the morning.
Please do not send your children to school before this time as they will not be supervised unless they are booked into the PEAK Before School Care program.
How do students depart at the end of the day?
We have a staggered departure process with students exiting from different school gates commencing at 2.50 pm for K-2 and 2.55 pm for 3-6. No parents are to enter the school grounds without permission and first signing in at the front office. Call the school for more information.
Is there a canteen?
Our canteen is run by Fresh Choice Canteen and is open for recess and lunch orders on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Please use the My School Connect app to pay before 9am. To find links outlining how to register and to find the canteen menu, go to the ‘Our School’ tab – What We Offer link.
What is the uniform and where can it be purchased?
Information regarding the school uniform can be found under the ‘Our School’ tab – What We Offer or click this link to view the uniform that can be purchased from LOWES.
What is the best way to communicate with my child’s teacher?
SeeSaw or Phoning or e-mailing the school
T: 02 4272 8730 E: unanderra-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
When are assemblies held?
Assemblies are held in the hall every second Friday starting at 2pm. Notice will be given for any special assemblies and if your child is receiving an award.
Is there after school care available at UPS?
Yes. PEAK operates 5 days a week before and after school as well as whole days during school holidays.
How else can I get involved in the UPS school community?
Any parent or citizen can become an active member of the P&C and contribute to the life of the school. Further information can be found by clicking the P&C tab on the home-page of this website.
How can I stay up to date with what is happening?
We use:
the Sechool Bytes for Parents app that operates on all smartphones with regular updates.
the UPS Newsletter is published online, monthly and contains ‘A Message from the Principal’, ‘Classroom Spotlight’, ‘Unanderra Yarns’ as well as reminders and reports of our many school happenings
Facebook to view UPS happenings and celebrations
the SeeSaw app to view and upload student work and for communication between teachers and parents
this website is kept up to date with a calendar of events and links to other communication and happenings.
What do I do with permission notes and money?
All permission notes are handled by the administration staff in the office. There is a drop box at the counter to place them in. There are options to pay money online via the ‘Make a Payment’ tab on the home-page of this website.