Unanderra Public School

Strive to Achieve

Telephone02 4272 8730


Bell times and daily routines

School Bell Timetable

Before School

All students who arrive to school at 8:30am will assemble underneath the cola in stage groups. The teachers on duty will dismiss students to their respective playgrounds after they drop off their bag at their classroom.

Early Arrival

Our school gates will not be opened until 8:20am. Students are requested to arrive at school no earlier than 8:20am, as there is no teacher on duty before then. 

Late Arrivals

If your child is late to school, it is necessary to attend the office and complete a 'late arrival note' and take your child (with note) to the classroom teacher. Older children are welcome to come to the office unassisted. 


All students from Year 1 to Year 6 will line up in their class lines underneath the cola to eat their food. Kindergarten students will eat their recess up in Area B. At 11:15am, teachers will then dismiss students to go to their area to play for 15 minutes. 


Students will spend the first 15 minutes of lunch eating inside of their classroom supervised by their classroom teacher. At 1:15pm, students proceed to their appropriate play around. Students also have the option to attend numerous lunch time clubs throughout the week. t

Early Departures

No child will be permitted to leave the school grounds during school hours unless the parent/carer has come to the school office and completed an 'early deparutre note'. The note is to be given to the class teacher and they will release your child.